The Botanical Kitchen

Home / Architectural Works / Student Projects / The Botanical Kitchen


Sustainable Design Option Studio 3


Maria Warner Wong

Student(s) Involved

Kenneth Chen Wei Sheng

About The Project

Ask any Singaporean and they will unabashedly tell you that eating is one of the island nation’s most beloved pastimes. A melting pot of cultures, the culinary heritage of Singapore syncreticises all manner of Asian and Eurasian cooking, most often using ingredients local to the Southeast Asian region. However, the onset of modern life has relegated cooking to the realms of either professional chefs or elderly home chefs. Furthermore, there is a pervasive lack of knowledge of our local ingredients – often limited to what we can find in supermarkets. The Botanical Kitchen aims to bring local cooking back into the lives of every day people by making it a destination for anyone from those who do not have kitchen facilities at their disposal, to those who simply want to experience various local food cultures. There has never been a better time to revive and share century-old recipes, and to educate all generations about local botanical food that can be grown right here on Singaporean soil.