Architecture Science and Technology

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20.201 Architecture Science and Technology


Michael Budig

About The Project

Architecture Science and Technology equips undergraduate architecture students with essential knowledge on building technologies and a sensitivity for good workmanship. Like craftsmen need to profoundly understand the material and tools they are engaging with, architects have to develop and refine the integration of structural logic, construction methods and tectonic articulation. A sequence of consecutive lab projects allows participants to navigate between measurable and intuitive modifications, identify the forces that act on a building and synthesise the complex demands of a design by developing detailed information construction proposals. The goal is to utilise and critically reflect on technology, by exploring the performance of buildings in different climates, categorising building systems and respective construction systems, examining structural integrity and formulating conscious material choices. The course addresses decarbonisation as a pressing challenge in the built environment and establishes an informed discourse on design choices and the relation of buildings with their environment.

Students Involved

Chiew Jia Hui
Paris Lau Shernese
Yoo Fei Yi
Wong Chai Qin

Students Involved

Benjamin Chong
Tay Boon Kiat
Sean Lee
Teo Shao Tian

View works from 2019-2020