2017 Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism Exhibition Singapore

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SUTD Architecture and Sustainable Design (ASD) pillar was invited to represent Singapore at the Cities Exhibition, one of the anchor exhibitions during the inaugural Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2017. Curated by Asst. Prof. Keng Hua CHONG and co-curated by Adjunct Asst. Prof. Calvin CHUA, the Singapore Pavilion addresses the theme of the exhibition “Commoning Cities”, by identifying 4 main challenges or opportunities in Singapore – demographic transformation, information revolution, resource redistribution, and production reform. Entitled “White Space”, the pavilion showcases 8 strategies developed by ASD faculty in response to these opportunities, culminating in various architectural and urban designs in selected urban voids (or white spaces) as part of their on-going teaching and research. With these experimental interventions, the ASD faculty team envisions Singapore to become a prototype for the world.

The design of Singapore Pavilion itself is a showcase of collaboration among the ASD faculty, researchers and students, led by Asst. Prof. Felix RASPALL, Asst. Prof. Carlos BANON, Asst. Prof. Christine YOGIAMAN, Asst. Prof. Kenneth Joseph TRACY, Asst. Prof. Michael BUDIG and Dr. Felix AMTSBERG. The design is generated through subtraction of a rectangular volume, giving rise to a series of void spaces awaiting interventions while allowing visitors to flow through. Lattices, made of the ubiquitous bamboo poles found in public housing, represent the basic building blocks of city and high-rise structures. The folded Aluminium composite panels that hug the lattice surfaces then showcase 8 strategies mentioned above, with graphical layout designed by Ms. Tshui Mum HA. Contributors to the exhibits include Asst. Prof. Joshua COMAROFF, Asst. Prof. Oliver HECKMANN, Asst. Prof. Trevor Ryan PATT, Asst. Prof. Felix RASPALL, Adjunct Asst. Prof. Calvin CHUA, Assoc. Prof. Bige Tuncer, Asst. Prof. Christine YOGIAMAN, and Asst. Prof. Keng Hua CHONG.

The Seoul Biennale Cities Exhibition will be held at Dongdaemun Design Plaza designed by the late Dame Zaha Hadid, from 1 September 2017 onwards. More information can be found at:


2023-06-26T17:15:28+08:00Categories: Achievements|